mythg and misconception related to inteior design

Top Interior design myth and misconception we love to explode.

Tags: interior design costing, Interior design company, interior designers, Interior design myth and misconception, top interior design myth, interior design qualification, interior designer plan, interior design qualification do you need, interior design software, 2D design, Interior Decorators, Customized furniture, The myth about interior design. 

These are lots of misconceptions and myth which prevail in the interior design profession. These myths could be dangerous for those looking for interior design solutions hence taking that into consideration. Here is the list of some top interior design myth or misconception.

1.Myth: Interior designers are unaffordable:

When it comes to interior design costing, it is always been considered as a luxury. Whereas, in reality, Interior design companies charge an only reasonable amount that too according to the requirement and needs. When it comes to making space organized and functional professional interior designers with their skill and experience can do that. 

Interior design myth and misconception unaffordable
Interior design myth and misconception unaffordable

Either Residential or Commercial interior design project it doesn’t matter the interior design work is considered as the luxury implication for space.  From measurements to the selection of `colour and texture an interior designer can help you out in all selecting all of these. There are lots of troubles and issues when it comes to design or construct anything new,   We know this fact constructing a house or renovating/remodelling can be a huge investment.

For more detail and information about how interior design is affordable and how the costing is estimated in interior designing, you can read: How Cost is the major factor in hiring an interior designer?

2.Myth: Interior designer needs no technical skills:

There is this interior design myth and the misconception that the interior designer only does the designing. And only change the patters, colour and accessories of the house and office which is not correct.

In fact for an interior designer, there is this demand that they should be quite clear with the patters and measuring while designing the project because in this profession not only manual but technological help is highly essential. At the time of new projects, the designer has to visit the site personally and measure what sort of things could be possible and what things are irrelevant they remove that.

These are the technical skills which are required in the field of interior design this itself shows that a high amount of knowledge and skill are required to complete any project. 

  • Sketching: Initially, on the site, this process is done for getting the rough idea about the space. The sketch is created manually with detail for further execution.  
  • Digital Imaging to Enhance & Manipulate Design Concepts. 
  • After creating Sketch, the involvement of digital aids get into consideration were though interior design software like (CAD) is used for 2D design preparation which gives the outlook of space with clear information about the location and diversity.
  • 3D Interior Design Modelling Tools.
  • With the creation of 2D now a graphical presentation is done through 3D design using 3D design software like (3Ds Max) where a three-dimensional image is created projecting the pre-plan for the future space.

For more information about the 3D design process, you can also visit our other blog: Why 3D Interior Design Rendering and Visualization Service is Important?

3.Myth: Interior designers impose their own vision on the client:

When it comes to space proper management and reliable design is acquired by a proper vision and deliberated idea The myth about interior design is very prominent that they impose their own vision on a client.

Instead, the interior designer plan and work for the client. They take this as their responsibility to deliver the space with a better version of it. That by fulfilling all the need and requirements of the client. 

Designer not only changes the existing but also modifies the living space so thinking this that interior designers will introduce something new without your concern is absolutely false and incorrect.  Deciding on their own is not possible as there is full freedom for clients to come and choose supervise what going on-site and what quality is been used. 

4.Myth: To select interior designing as a profession there is no need for qualification:

As an Interior designing is a professional service the qualification related to it is very essential.  which requires proper knowledge and training for which interior design qualification is required. In lack of any of this will automatically lead to down and the possibilities of default may occur.

There is often this question been asked what interior design qualification do you need? The field of interior designing does not require formal education. But candidates who have completed some professional course or those with a bachelor’s degree are given more preference.

5.Myth: You can do interior designing on your own:

This is the biggest misconception in the field of interior designing that the interior designing can be done by anyone. But it’s not true moreover the misconception leads people to attempts the task by themself. As they don’t know that interior designing does’ means decorating. But in fact, with their measured attempts, they make space functional and productive. 

Interior designers not only in Lucknow but all, measure your space first. Then go ahead to make your space functional. As they have the knowledge and required skill and experience which make them a reliable option for your space. As they have handled many spaces and worked on numerous design which makes them a good option for your space. 

6.Myth: Interior design only plays with fabrics:

Interior designing is a systematic procedure it takes effort and reliable measurement in doing as well importing things. The designer takes proper precautions when it comes to designing any space or project. Most conveniently they usually go for the Turnkey project and cover the whole service and designing for space. Which is a selectively cheaper option to make. 

Interior design myth and misconception fabrics
Interior design myth and misconception fabrics

The first and foremost interior designer’s job is to make spaces more functional, secure/safe, productive and beautiful. They do not play with fabrics, paints and decorative items but they select the most appropriate thing to put in. Interior designers evaluate and determine the space requirements, layouts, read blueprints from builders and architects. 

7.Myth: They will get rid of your old belongings:

Interior designer, has this challenge to mix your old belongings with their new additions. And will, definitely, consult you when it comes to throwing stuff away. Moreover, in the situation where the old stuff can’t is used only then interior designer suggests going for new furniture. In fact, a Customized furniture is a good option which can be customized according to space and preference. 

Interior design myth and misconception old furniture
Interior design myth and misconception old furniture

Therefore, instead of imposing limits, you don’t care about; try to believe in what they’re doing, and to integrate your own ideas with theirs.

8.Myth: Interior designer and decorators are the same:

Interior designer is a profession which makes people believe and take requirement under consideration in a phycological level. Whether it’s the residential project for home and living space or A commercial space for office and corporates the use and work done for both the interior designer and decorators are different.  Whereas decorators are one who furnishes the space with decorative elements to achieve a certain look and atmosphere.  

Interior decorators on the other hand consider things and place, according to the furniture which actually goes with space.  


In conclusion, I would like to mention that this article is just a reference. To bust the myth that prevails in the interior design industries. There are many Interior design myth and misconception and believing in them might bring loss and unsatisfaction. This article tries to give a genuine and relatable answer to the question related to the myth in interior designing work. You can also select our interior design Consultancy option related to any interior design solution orf issue

For more clarification, you can also check out: Top Reasons Hiring An Interior Designer For Your Space And Project.


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